Keyboard Shortcuts
- ; opens the action menu
- Esc closes the action menu
- h goes to the reading list
- S goes to the Settings page
- ? goes to this Keyboard Shortcuts page
- j/k scroll up or down the amount defined in Settings,
or to the next item in the list
- gg and G move you to the top and bottom of the page or
list respectively
Unread list:
- Enter opens the selected article
- y archives the selected article
Article page:
- y archives the article
- d deletes the article
- u expand the edit view to update data on the article
- q closes the expanded view
- i, if the expanded view is open, focuses the "extended" input in
the sidebar. Combine this with Esc to easily un-focus the extended
view so you can j/k up and down the article.
- [ and ] jump to the previous and next article in the
reading list respectively
- { and } archive current article and jump to the
previous or next article in the reading list respectively
- c copies the URL for the original article
- f adds the selected text to notes
- o opens the original article
- O opens the original article in a new tab
- e behaves like j but let's me scroll left-handed while
holding my coffee